World Ocean Day 2023

World Oceans Day, the International Ocean Institute Southern African teamed up with Cape Kayak Adventures for a day of celebration in raising awareness about the importance of our ocean to promote their conservation.  The ocean plays a critical role in regulating the Earth’s climate, providing resources and livelihoods for people all over the world and with that supports a variety of marine biodiversity. Unfortunately, they are also under threat from a range of human activities, such as overfishing, pollution and climate change.

A step towards a cleaner and healthier ocean we invited the public to celebrate World Oceans Day with us. Winter rain cleans our streets, but along with it, so much plastic trash gets swept into our ocean. Three Anchor Bay beach is known to accumulate a lot of litter directly from the ocean and the objective of the cleanup was to pick up as much of the floating litter at the water surface. On Saturday the 10th of June, Cape Kayak offered complimentary trips to the public, for 24 people to assist us with an ocean clean-up.

This experience was led by Kirshia Govender, IOI-SA and Tracy Rauch, Cape Kayak Adventures, and her team of guides to allow for an informed experience highlighting the marine life in Table Bay including the threats to them. A fun experience to celebrate, appreciate and conserve our marine life by removing as much marine waste as possible.

 Credit: Cape Kayak Adventures


Credit: Few pieces of large litter, but plenty of smaller broken up pieces of plastic floating at the surface collected from the kayak using nets.

Positive feedback from the public, who would like to do more cleanups in future, and be more involved in ocean conservation activities with Cape Kayak and IOI-SA.

Photo Credit: Cape Kayak Adventures

Author: IOI-SA

IOI-SA focuses on Ocean Governance capacity development in Africa through training programmes aimed at harmonising management, policy and development. The IOI-SA produces research, policy and strategy-related outputs to address key challenges of sustainable ocean governance in support of the communities, governments, regions and international organizations concerned with securing a peaceful, prosperous and healthy future for all. The IOI-SA maintains particular focus on rural coastal communities, decision-makers, post­graduate students and schools. It achieves its mission through collaborating and networking with organizations and government agencies in Africa that are active in the sphere of marine and coastal management and sustainable livelihoods.