Virtual training on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management for stakeholders in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region
We are excited to launch our 2021 Course in Ocean Governance in partnership with the Nairobi Convention Secretariat. The training will run from the 30th August to the 24th September online.
Author: IOI-SA
IOI-SA focuses on Ocean Governance capacity development in Africa through training programmes aimed at harmonising management, policy and development. The IOI-SA produces research, policy and strategy-related outputs to address key challenges of sustainable ocean governance in support of the communities, governments, regions and international organizations concerned with securing a peaceful, prosperous and healthy future for all. The IOI-SA maintains particular focus on rural coastal communities, decision-makers, postgraduate students and schools. It achieves its mission through collaborating and networking with organizations and government agencies in Africa that are active in the sphere of marine and coastal management and sustainable livelihoods.
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