The IOI-SA implements projects through its network of Associates and partners, in South Africa and throughout the African region. If you have further questions on any of the projects please contact us directly and we will be happy to supply you with more information.
Current and ongoing projects:
WIOGEN aims to establish a science to policy networking platform, through scientific exchange, early career capacity development, and integrative social learning approaches in strengthening regional ocean and coastal governance.
It complements other regional marine science networks by focusing explicitly on integrated ocean and coastal governance issues, while focusing on the capacity development of early career ocean governance researchers, policymakers, tertiary educators, and development practitioners, beyond the context of formal academic institutions. The network will be structured around three ocean governance themes: (a) nutritional security, sustainable fisheries, aquaculture and livelihoods; (b) marine spatial planning and coastal management; (c) biodiversity conservation, pollution and habitat loss.
STRONG High Seas
IOI-SA is one of the implementing partners for the STRONG High Seas Project that is being coordinated by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS). The project promotes the development of integrated regional ocean governance approaches for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Please visit the STRONG High Seas website to explore the publications and summaries of events that are available there.
The STRONG High Seas project has developed a number of useful resources with particular emphasis on Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction and the Abidjan Convention area:
Fact Sheet: Ocean Governance in the Southeast Atlantic
- Ecological Baselines of the Southeast Atlantic and Southeast Pacific
- Study on the Socio-Economic Importance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Southeast Atlantic Region
- Study on Measures to Support Conservation Efforts for Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Southeast Atlantic Region
- Reflections from the STRONG High Seas Project: Capacity Development in the Southeast Atlantic and Southeast Pacific Region for Conservation of Marine Biodiversity in ABNJ
- Guidance to achieve biodiversity conservation measures in high seas fisheries
- Options for Strengthening Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Human Activities in the Southeast Atlantic Region
- Strengthening High Seas Governance Through Enhanced Environmental Assessment Processes
- Ensuring Effective Implementation of a High Seas Biodiversity Treaty: Lessons Learned and Options for an Implementation and Compliance Committee
- Regional Ocean Governance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward
- Strengthening Regional Ocean Governance for the High Seas: Opportunities and Challenges to Improve the Legal and Institutional Framework of the Southeast Atlantic and Southeast Pacific
- Glossary of Ocean Governance Terms
Enhancing Marine Management in West, Central and Southern Africa through Training and Application
The Mami Wata project is working in and with African countries to further develop their capacities for Integrated Ocean Management (IOM). Recognising the importance of healthy marine and coastal ecosystems for human well-being and development, the project is applying tools and strategies to improve the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity in countries along the African Atlantic coast. IOI-SA is one of the Centers of Expertise for the project and is supporting pilot countries – Benin, Ivory Coast and Ghana – with the development of Marine Spatial Plans for their waters. The project is implemented by the partners GRID-Arendal and the Abidjan Convention Secretariat, and the project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMU), through its International Climate Initiative (IKI).
Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Training
IOI-SA is working with WWF-SA and TETA to roll-out Responsible Fisheries Training to small scale fisheries communities in South Africa. The project will run throughout 2017 and 2018 throughout the four coastal provinces in South Africa. To find out more about this project, please visit the website. We have produced a booklet that summarizes the first phase of this project: Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Training project booklet
Plastic Awareness Campaign
IOI-SA joined the Beat the Microbead Campaign in 2015 and has been communicating with the Department of Environmental Affairs about a ban on plastic microbeads in personal care products. We co-hosted a workshop on Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans: Global and Local Solutions in September 2017 and hope this will be the start of a forum that will bring together interested stakeholders in pursuit of solutions to the issue of plastic pollution.
We were co-hosts of the Volvo Ocean Summit in December 2017 which brought together international leaders to discuss solutions to plastic pollution. We continue to engage with school groups about single use plastic and pollution at both primary and high school level. We also supported a 2017 UCT honours research project on ingestion of plastic by small pelagic fish.
Invasive Marine Species
IOI-SA is working with the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) to develop a national monitoring strategy and national response to marine invasions as part of an Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) program.
African Ocean Governance
With support from UNEP, the IOI-SA is working within the framework of the Abidjan Convention and the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) to enhance Ocean Governance frameworks on a Pan-African scale as well as promoting mechanisms and support for relevant capacity development within Africa.
As part of the African Union’s 2050 African Integrated Maritime (AIM) Strategy, the IOI-SA has teamed up with the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) to research and advance Human Resources Development on a Pan-African scale. The process has included the 2014 African Maritime Domain (AMD) Conference held in Port Elizabeth.
The IOI-SA has been tasked by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to investigate the progress in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem region following ten years of programme activity, and in preparation for a possible new GEF-funded project phase.
Below are some examples of recent projects the IOI-SA has conducted:
- Collaboration with BirdLife International on the development of a Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation of Seabirds off the Atlantic and Mediterrannean Coasts of Africa
- Development of a draft Bill on Ballast Water Management for the Dept. of Transport
- Development of International Guidelines for Conducting Port Biological Baseline Surveys for the IMO
- Development of a national Ballast Water Management Framework for Mauritius, including a comprehensive biological survey of Port Louis
- Development of a Decision Support Tool for DEA Permitting of 4×4 Beach Access. Access is enabled to both public and government sectors
- State of the Environment Information System for the Benguela Current Commission
- Treatment technology testing for ballast water and aquaculture applications
- Biodiversity GIS
- Re-launch of the GISP website
- Translation of UNEP Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities (GPA) Pollution course