PETCO and IOI-SA gathered together plastic experts to try unpack some of the myths and mysteries around these issues in a panel discussion that was open to the public and media. The discussion took place on the 12th of March 2020. The experts included Peter Ryan (University of Cape Town), Douw Steyn (Plastics|SA), Aaniyah Omardien (The Beach Co-op), Anthony Ribbink (Sustainable Seas Trust), Alison Davison (City of Cape Town), Suzan Oelofse (CSIR), Cheri Scholtz (PETCO) and Chandru Wadhwani (Extrupet). The discussion was facilitated by IOI-SA Director, Adnan Awad. The panelists were asked to highlight some of the plastic myths that they have come across and what message they would like the audience to take home. To find out more about the discussion, please click here: PETCO/IOI-SA Plastic Forum March 2020.