SSF Governance Training Event Malawi – June 2022

Malawi is among the few countries in Africa leading the implementation of the SSF Guidelines for Securing Sustainable SSF. The process is being led by the FAO Malawi and the Department of Fisheries. Amongst the objectives of the implementation is the development of a National Plan of Action (NPOA-SSF) to raise awareness of the SSF Guidelines, act a roadmap for implementation, provide a catalyst toward meaningful change, and a platform for collaboration amongst diverse stakeholders. 

In line with these developments, the IOI-SA National Small-scale Fisheries
Governance Training Course: Creating an Enabling Environment for SSF guidelines Implementation, took place at the beautiful Ufulu Gardens Hotel and Conference Venue in Lilongwe, Malawi from the 13th  – 17th  June 2022. The objective was to contribute toward the capacity development of relevant stakeholders, to support the development of the NPOA-SSF, and contribute toward an enabling environment for implementation. 

It was inspiring to see wonderful expertise and the diverse group of cross-sectoral stakeholders committed to the holistic, participatory and integrated management of the sector! As well as the support and commitment of the Department of Fisheries and FAO Malawi.

Author: IOI-SA

IOI-SA focuses on Ocean Governance capacity development in Africa through training programmes aimed at harmonising management, policy and development. The IOI-SA produces research, policy and strategy-related outputs to address key challenges of sustainable ocean governance in support of the communities, governments, regions and international organizations concerned with securing a peaceful, prosperous and healthy future for all. The IOI-SA maintains particular focus on rural coastal communities, decision-makers, post­graduate students and schools. It achieves its mission through collaborating and networking with organizations and government agencies in Africa that are active in the sphere of marine and coastal management and sustainable livelihoods.