Policy, Law and Management for stakeholders in the Western Indian Ocean region
We have stayed online for the 2021 edition of the training as traveling still remains uncertain and risky. This, the 8th edition of the training, was unique in that we partnered with the Nairobi Convention Secretariat through their SAPPHIRE project to present a training that focuses specifically on the Western Indian Ocean Region. The virtual platform once again provided the opportunity to include experts from all over the region and world. And in the build up to the historic COP 26 it is undeniable that there are carbon footprint benefits to running the training online.
The four week training ran from the 30 August to the 24th September with the majority of the participants nominated through the Nairobi Convention Secretariat structures. In addition to the partnership with the Nairobi Convention, the course was held in partnership with SAIMI and SANBI.

The course report which includes the course schedule can be downloading by clicking here.
This year, we ran a slightly different group exercise and asked participants to develop policy briefs on four topics of interest to the region. We think that they did a great job, particularly since that for many of them it was their first time writing a policy brief and no one was an expert in the topic. The topics covered are listed below:
- Underwater noise and shipping
- Deep sea ecosystems and connectivity of BBNJ with EEZs
- IUU Fishing in small scale fisheries
- LMMAs for improved fisheries management
Once again, IOI-SA commissioned the development of a short video to share a (beautiful) visual example of ocean governance, using False Bay as an example for Marine Spatial Planning. We are grateful to the experts who worked with us on this video, from SANCCOB, DFFE and WWF-SA. The video can be viewed on the IOI-SA YouTube Channel