Course 2: New Developments and Emerging Issues in Ocean Governance
Nine online sessions between 4th Oct. – 4th Nov. 2021
This online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course is offered jointly by IOI-Southern Africa and IOI-Canada as part of IOI’s commitment to continuing professional development for its alumni. Nine live sessions in a series of three modules will utilise presentations, discussions, readings, videos and interactive tools to explore new and emerging issues in UNCLOS & ABNJ; Climate Change & Health of the Ocean; and Small-scale Fisheries. The schedule is available here and you can find out more our speakers here.
To apply, complete this online form by the application deadline of 15th September 2021.

The intended audience is anyone who has completed an IOI training programme prior to 2020 and is keen to improve their knowledge of recent developments in the field. Since the course will be interactive, the class size will be capped at 24 and only applicants who can attend all nine sessions will be accepted. Participants will be selected using a combination of criteria including gender, sectoral background, geographic location and profession.