The WIOGEN Ocean Governance Conference took place from the 27 – 29th October 2021. There were over 300 registrations for this free virtual conference. Day 1 and Day 2 of the conference included over 50 presentations that showcased the excellent work being conducted in the WIO region. We were honoured by the involvement of our inspiring keynote speakers, pictured below. More information about our people and their presentations can be found here.

To promote cooperation amongst the various networks in the regiona, facilitated tea sessions showcased the WIO Women in Science Network and WIO Early Career Research Network.
Day 3 of the conference was a special session hosted by the Nairobi Convention Secretariat that focused on the role of science in ocean governance. The outcomes of these discussions will be written up in a report soon. We will also upload all the recordings of presentations on to the WIOGEN YouTube page as soon as possible.