Regional small-scale fisheries governance training – creating an enabling environment for SSF Guidelines implementation

Since 2020, IOI-SA has been partnering with the FAO to develop and deliver a number of training courses to promote the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines, 2015). A pilot 5-day Regional training course was delivered in the African region in early 2021, followed by a second course in the Asia region in November, 2021. The regional courses are aimed at government actors with the objective of building capacity for the uptake of the SSF Guidelines through policy and action. In 2022, the training will be delivered nationally in Malawi, to support the development of the NPOA-SSF (National Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries) in the country.  The development of an eLearning version of the course is also underway, and is to be launched by the FAO e-learning academy in 2022. A 3rd initiative is intended to provide a short, half-day training session on the SSF Guidelines to relevant FAO staff and partners with the objective of mainstreaming the principles of the SSF Guidelines into FAO and partner project proposals. The half-day course is to be delivered in four regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America, Central America) in 2022.

Author: IOI-SA

IOI-SA focuses on Ocean Governance capacity development in Africa through training programmes aimed at harmonising management, policy and development. The IOI-SA produces research, policy and strategy-related outputs to address key challenges of sustainable ocean governance in support of the communities, governments, regions and international organizations concerned with securing a peaceful, prosperous and healthy future for all. The IOI-SA maintains particular focus on rural coastal communities, decision-makers, post­graduate students and schools. It achieves its mission through collaborating and networking with organizations and government agencies in Africa that are active in the sphere of marine and coastal management and sustainable livelihoods.